Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Home improvement

Turns out the only way to fix a leaky faucet is to replace the whole kitchen sink. I am not complaining because I love my new sink. I didn't realize how much I wanted a new sink but now that I have one I see that I was really missing out.

Adam did a really good job putting it in all by himself. I am hoping that this success modivates him to finish some other much need projects around the house.

Sadie was helping by keeping herself entertained with the box. I haven't gotten rid of it yet because she likes to play on it so much.

The finished product. I had to get a close up so you couldn't see how messy my kitchen had gotten without a kitchen sink for a couple days. (It has recovered now)


Marci said...

Wahoo, your new sink is great and your faucet is pretty awesome too! Isn't it funny how kids love free boxes?