Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Before I had Sadie one of my good friends from our ward, Ruth, gave me a book called On Becoming Babywise. It is amazing. It has taught me so much about how to get my little girl to have good sleeping and eating habits. It teaches you how to teach them to fall asleep on their own.  Sadie is a champ. She slept through the night once already, but she consistantly now gets about 6 hours at night. The best part of it is after I feed her at 10:00 we put her down in her crib/pack 'n play.  She lays there awake for a while and then falls asleep. She has done so well the last couple of days she hasn't even fussed. She also usually sleeps just like this picture with her arms straight out. I love it! 


Ruth said...

Im so happy that it's working for you! That book is seriously the best advice any mother could give to an expecting mother!

Tiffany&Co. said...

So glad I found you guys too! (I found Ruth just a second ago)You have a really cute family!

Email me @ and I'll add you guys to my blog too.

See you in church.